Wednesday, April 13, 2005

IAD assigment4 detailed function

IAD assignment 4 Detail Function

Phase 1: (Fri night)

  1. Search Transaction record (time interval ? date, e.g. DD-MM-YY, transaction no) (Admin + normal) ? 10 items (Cathy)
  2. Search Update Currency Record (time interval ? date, currency type ) (Admin + normal) ? 10 items (Cathy)
  3. Display Transaction history briefly (and add link to display transaction details by transaction id) ? 20 items (Victor)
  4. Setup JavaBeans class (Victor)
  5. edit, add, remove (favorite currency) (Victor)

Phase 2:

  1. Plotting graph (show the currency which is chosen by user, show recently)
  2. scrolling bar (real time update, show favorite, default: display all currency)
  3. RMI ? error handling (connection package lose, P down)(P keep check on S ? two ways communication)
  4. file I/O
We have divided into two main phases as the first phases need to be finsihed by the coming Friday, 15/04/2005.
Phase 2 should be finished as soon as possible as the RMI section should be extremely difficult.


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