Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Finish Dispaly function of Adminidtartor and User

1. Finish login function by using servlet

2.Finish display userinfo, currency in Administrator and normal User

3. Edit userinfo function for normal user and adminstrator is finished

4.Trying termination

5. Trying edit currency

6.Modfiy the interface of administrator

7. Except edit page of normal user, i have used jsp page link to jsp page which is easy to pass parameter. For example:
Today i have used ./xxx.jsp?uID=(userid), to pass the u_id, so that although administrator reg the page, i still can check which user info administrator want to take a look

I discover that if i use jsp, i don't need to open tomcat, the web page can still be accessed. However, it doesn't work in Servlet.


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