Friday, April 15, 2005

Finish functions adding and modifying

Craeted the function: Edit/Add/Update the personal scrolling bar
Modify the transaction and add 5 new types of currency in the exist system
Since the functions like the Separated pages overlap with Cathy's works,
she did the "Display Transaction history briefly"

Modified the Currency Calculator by adding 5 new types of currency.
Updated the functions in the personal information.

Since the difficulties of updating of the Applet, I still haven't start the construction of the JavaBean.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

IAD assigment4 detailed function

IAD assignment 4 Detail Function

Phase 1: (Fri night)

  1. Search Transaction record (time interval ? date, e.g. DD-MM-YY, transaction no) (Admin + normal) ? 10 items (Cathy)
  2. Search Update Currency Record (time interval ? date, currency type ) (Admin + normal) ? 10 items (Cathy)
  3. Display Transaction history briefly (and add link to display transaction details by transaction id) ? 20 items (Victor)
  4. Setup JavaBeans class (Victor)
  5. edit, add, remove (favorite currency) (Victor)

Phase 2:

  1. Plotting graph (show the currency which is chosen by user, show recently)
  2. scrolling bar (real time update, show favorite, default: display all currency)
  3. RMI ? error handling (connection package lose, P down)(P keep check on S ? two ways communication)
  4. file I/O
We have divided into two main phases as the first phases need to be finsihed by the coming Friday, 15/04/2005.
Phase 2 should be finished as soon as possible as the RMI section should be extremely difficult.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

A new start of IAD Assignment 4

Here is some information about the SSL included in the Tomcat 4.
It seems not that difficult to install the SSL technology under Servlet.
It takes time so we will do it under a serious consideration.

The following link shows the information about the secure Web services

Under the, there are some ttutorial about the JavaBean technology. Sun suggest we use the Beanbuilder to develop the javabean programming. Clikc it out here:

Friday, April 01, 2005

Finish Display the Transaction Record



      1. Update the transaction record table (P1)

      2. Modify the (P2)

      3. Modify the layout so that the not-registered foreign account won;t display to the client.(P3)

      4. Change the exchange.html to transactionServlet --> provide a dynamic display information to the client.(P4)


Modifying the Exchange servlet --> update the record in the transaction table.


CS mail server :


Forget. All the transaction should be record, not updated!


Modify : remember to add the convert when handling money.

strSQL = "Insert into trans_record values('"+tsTransaction.toString()+"','"+strRate+"','"+strForeignAcc+"',Convert(money,'"+strForeignAmount+"'),'"+charTransType+"',Convert(money,'"+strHKAmount+"'),'"+strUserId+"')";


Finish the implementation of the Transaction


22.00 Finish the Display of Transaction record.